With the first lockdown in March 2020, the reopening of clubs in the summer and then another shutdown a few months later, Samuel Deflandre will remember his first year as secretary-general of the Association Francophone de Tennis (AFT) for a long time to come.
But now, tennis lovers can again look forward to returning to their favourite clubs. “Aside from the economic aspect, I think that everyone – coaches and players alike – can’t wait to get back on court,” he says with obvious pleasure.
The reopening of tennis courts represents a new start for the AFT, and it is using the restart to launch its new “Envie d’en faire plus” (“Want to do more”) campaign. “It’s an ambitious plan that aims to bring together all those involved in tennis, getting them to work together to develop and promote our community,” explains Samuel Deflandre. “We want to increase the support we provide to associations and clubs, to continue developing young talent, but also to promote casual tennis more.”
These ambitions bring to mind those of our bank, since we pride itself on supporting and accompanying all our customers, whoever they might be. “We share strong values with BNP Paribas Fortis and we too believe that have a responsibility towards our society,” says Samuel Deflandre. “It’s thanks to our partner’s support that we can continue to promote our sport and develop talented young players, and that international events can still take place.”
The accreditation of clubs has been one of the practical initiatives adopted in the last few years. “It’s a way for clubs and their coaches to gain recognition for the quality of the training they provide. It allows players to find the club that best suits their ambitions. We are developing the accreditation system and we are delighted that, once again, we can count on BNP Paribas Fortis’ support in carrying out this project.”
Although the last year has been a turbulent one, Samuel Deflandre remains resolutely positive and confident in the future. “After the first lockdown, we saw an influx of new players wanting to try tennis. They understood that tennis was a universal sport that attracts players from all horizons, regardless of age or skill level. And with the support of BNP Paribas Fortis, we will be able to continue developing tennis in all its forms, and to promote it in the way it deserves.”
Supporting talented young people and helping them develop: another example of Positive Banking.