
Managing your wealth in a comprehensive manner

It can be quite a challenge to maintain an overview of your wealth and plan for the generations to come. Laws change constantly, and you might also be worried about possible conflicts among your nearest and dearest when the moment comes to divide up your assets. Fortunately there exists a digital solution to help you with all that – PaxFamilia.

With PaxFamilia, BNP Paribas Fortis offers a flexible, comprehensive and secure platform for wealth management. First of all you will need to sign an Inheritance Planning Agreement with the Bank.  You will then receive a detailed structured overview of your total wealth, including your real estate assets, investments, insurance policies, artworks and/or jewellery, etc, plus an integrated digital safe to keep your share certificates, contracts, last will & testament, and other documents.

How does PaxFamilia work?

Based on the information that you enter on the digital platform, you will be able to run extensive simulations on the evolution of your wealth and your inheritance planning. This will allow you to keep all your planned bequests in balance, taking account of any gifts you have already made to your children. This means that you will no longer have to worry about any problems arising in your family  over inheritance rights and such matters. Subsequently, when the time comes, your partner and/or your heirs and assigns will be able to access all the information you have entered in the system.

Well-suited to new family structures

Nowadays we are seeing a growing proportion of new family structures, with joint and reconstituted families becoming more common. Families are becoming more open in their attitudes. The current older generation shows a greater willingness to pass on information and data to the next generation, and the younger generation are more often tending to get involved in wealth management somewhat earlier. PaxFamilia makes all that much easier. You can always decide for yourself what information to share, when and with whom – your partner, close relatives, wider family, and/or advisors such as your accountant or notary. 

PaxFamilia is very secure

The security of your data is a matter of the greatest importance for us. Our experts constantly verify that data security is being maintained at the highest level. Moreover, we have on several occasions commissioned professional hackers to try to break into our data systems and they have never succeeded. We also ensure confidentiality: all data is stored anonymously and the Bank doesn’t know what information you have entered. We have no means of linking a given set of assets to their owners.  What we certainly can do of course is to provide you with tailor-made advice, based on the information that you choose to share with us.


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